Acquiring Job Satisfaction and Empowerment: Indispensable Goal of all Members of Organizations
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The organizations are of different types. In all types of organizations, human resources are regarded as the assets. They are required to make use of their educational qualifications, skills and abilities in an effective manner. This will open the room for them for acquiring job satisfaction and empowerment. All the members, irrespective of their job positions in the hierarchy have one of the major goals of incurring the feeling of job satisfaction and acquiring empowerment. In order to achieve this goal, they need to be well-informed in terms of organizational goals and ways that are needed to achieve these. In addition, throughout one’s jobs, one needs to be well-informed in terms of their job duties. Furthermore, all the members work in order to aspire empowerment opportunities. They are augmenting information in terms of different types of factors, which would be facilitating in acquiring empowerment opportunities. Furthermore, it is necessary for all members to inculcate the traits of diligence, resourcefulness and conscientiousness. In addition, acknowledgement of all these traits will be facilitating to the individuals in acquiring empowerment opportunities. Furthermore, all the members will incur the feeling of job satisfaction. As a consequence, they will be well-prepared towards retaining their jobs. Therefore, it is understood on a comprehensive basis that acquiring job satisfaction and empowerment is an indispensable goal of all members. The main concepts that are taken into account in this research paper are, understanding the meaning and significance of job satisfaction and empowerment, objectives of promoting job satisfaction and empowerment and measures to be put into operation in promoting job satisfaction and empowerment.
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