Understanding the Levels of Education

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Dr. Radhika Kapur


The main objective of this research paper is to acquire an efficient understanding of levels of education. The different levels of education are, nursery, elementary, secondary, senior secondary and higher education. The educators and students need to work in co-ordination with each other in carrying out their job duties in a satisfactory manner. The levels of education are essential to understand, when individuals are conducting research on education. The individuals, belonging to all communities and socio-economic backgrounds are to augment information in terms of meaning and significance of education. They have one of the major goals of bringing about improvements in their overall quality of lives. In order to achieve this goal, individuals are required to get enrolled in educational institutions of all levels and acquire education. As a consequence, they are not only augmenting information in terms of academic subjects and concepts, but also in terms of ways that are essential in inculcating the traits of morality, ethics, diligence and conscientiousness. The reinforcement of these traits is facilitating in doing well in one’s job duties and generating desired outcomes. Within the course of pursuance of educational programs, educators are vested with the authority and responsibility of imparting information in terms of academic subjects as well as other factors. Hence, students need to ensure, they understand their educators in an effective manner. Therefore, it is understood that acquisition of education will prepare the individuals in leading to up-gradation of overall personality traits and quality of lives. The main concepts that are taken into account in this research paper are, objectives of all levels of education, understanding levels of education and measures to be implemented in leading to up-gradation of all levels of education.


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How to Cite

Dr. Radhika Kapur , Tran., “Understanding the Levels of Education”, IJMH, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 8–14, Dec. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijmh.D1779.11041224.
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