Lack of Infrastructure, Amenities and Facilities: Impediment in Progression of Rural Communities
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Within all rural communities, throughout the country, agriculture and farming practices are regarded as the primary occupations of the individuals. Furthermore, they are engaged in production of various types of products. Hence, they work diligently in order to sustain their living conditions in a satisfactory manner. But in order to achieve desired goals and objectives, it is necessary to put emphasis on leading to up-gradation of different types of infrastructure, amenities and facilities. It is unfortunate to note that in rural communities, there is lack of infrastructure, amenities and facilities. As a consequence, rural individuals are overwhelmed by impediments within the course of bringing about improvements in their overall standards of living. Hence, it is well-understood that due to lack of these, there are occurrences of impediments within the course of leading to progression of rural communities. There is a need to formulate programs, which are essential in promoting enhancement of infrastructure, amenities and facilities. As a consequence, members will contribute efficiently in promoting enhancement of rural communities. The rural individuals need to augment their information in terms of ways that are necessary in managing infrastructure, amenities and facilities in a satisfactory manner. Furthermore, all types of impediments need to be overcome in a well-ordered manner. The main concepts that are taken into account in this research paper are, understanding the meaning and significance of infrastructure, amenities and facilities, consequences of lack of infrastructure, amenities and facilities within rural communities and measures to be implemented in leading to up-gradation of infrastructure, amenities and facilities within rural communities.
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