Utilization of Traditional Methods and Strategies by Rural Individuals

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Dr. Radhika Kapur


The individuals, belonging to rural communities have one of the major goals of sustaining their living conditions in an effective manner. In order to achieve this goal, they are engaged in agriculture and farming practices. Furthermore, they are engaged in production and manufacturing processes of various products. In the production processes, they are utilizing different types of traditional methods and strategies. With advancements taking place and with the advent of modernization and globalization, individuals are augmenting information in terms of different types of pioneering methods and strategies. These are complicated as well as manageable and can be implemented in less amount of time or can be more time-consuming. Hence, it is necessary for rural individuals to acquire an efficient understanding of the concepts. In addition, one will render an important contribution in generating desired outcomes. In the present existence, rural individuals will bring about transformations in their overall quality of lives, when they will replace traditional methods and strategies by pioneering methods and strategies. Therefore, it is well-understood; utilization of pioneering methods over traditional methods and strategies has proven to be favourable to the individuals on a comprehensive basis. The main concepts that are taken into account in this research paper are, objectives of utilization of traditional methods and strategies, advantages of replacing traditional methods and strategies by pioneering methods and strategies and measures to be implemented in utilizing pioneering methods and strategies.


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How to Cite

Dr. Radhika Kapur , Tran., “Utilization of Traditional Methods and Strategies by Rural Individuals”, IJMH, vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 22–27, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijmh.K1726.10100624.
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