Developing the Proficiency Level of Sophomore Fisheries Students through Contextualized Comics in Projectile Motion

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Beryl Joy A. Navarro
Melba C. Olidan
Junifer S. Visto
Julie S. Berame


Projectile motion finds applications in day-to-day activities and many of the students find it hard to grasp and comprehend. In this study, the goal was to craft and utilize a contextualized comics that serves as an intervention tool to address students’ low achievement on some concepts of kinematics, with emphasis on projectile motion. The study used one group pretest-posttest experimental design to investigate the effectiveness of the intervention tool. The paired t-test was also employed to compare students’ performance before and after using the contextualized comics. Shapiro-Wilk test was also utilized to determine whether the data follows a normal distribution in comparing the tests used. The participants of this study were 20 sophomore fisheries students. The contextualized comics was utilized by the students after the pre-test. Findings have remarkably revealed that before the utilization of the contextualized comics, participants were identified as not proficient on the concepts of projectile motion. This implies that the students did not master the lesson as prevailed in their MPS of 12.8% which is within the “not proficient” bracket. After the conduct of intervention with the contextualized comics, the students significantly scored higher in their post-test resulting in an MPS of 75.2% which falls under the “proficient” level. Through the validation of Shapiro-Wilk test which follows normal distribution, there is a significant difference between pre-test and post-test scores after the implementation of the contextualized comics where p < 0.001. Thus, it signifies that the contextualized comics was an effective intervention tool to enhance students’ performance on the least learned topic in physics.


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How to Cite
Beryl Joy A. Navarro, Melba C. Olidan, Junifer S. Visto, and Julie S. Berame , Trans., “Developing the Proficiency Level of Sophomore Fisheries Students through Contextualized Comics in Projectile Motion”, IJMH, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 22–28, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijmh.G1451.11010924.

How to Cite

Beryl Joy A. Navarro, Melba C. Olidan, Junifer S. Visto, and Julie S. Berame , Trans., “Developing the Proficiency Level of Sophomore Fisheries Students through Contextualized Comics in Projectile Motion”, IJMH, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 22–28, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijmh.G1451.11010924.
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