Servant Leadership Meets Health Equity: Examining the Causal Comparative Impact of Black Health Disparities and the United States in the First States to Mandate Implicit Bias Training
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The racial health disparities gap is widening in the United States. This analysis uses a non-experimental quantitative causal-comparative analysis to support the study's findings. The rates and percentages of Black and National variables were compared to highlight devastating and disproportionate Black health disparities. The data focuses on statistics from some of the first states to require healthcare professionals to take implicit bias training. The health disparities chosen are the most prominent ones plaguing the Black community. Additionally, the article will examine how improving organizational behavior by implementing servant leadership will help improve Black health disparities. The research will highlight Black health disparities, implicit bias, organizational behavior, and servant leadership. The research shows that healthcare professionals become aware of their implicit bias to lead ethically by shifting the organizational behavioral approach toward servant leadership. It also revealed that servant leadership provided a more compassionate, caring, empathetic, selfless, and nurturing form of care that will build trust amongst Black patients and patient-provider relationships, lessening Black health disparities stemming from subconscious implicit decisions. The researcher tested the methodology and found that the data provided a comparative analysis between variables and showed the prevalence of Black health disparities in the United States; however, the analysis did not prove causal inference or cause and effect.
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