Exploring the Intersection of Sustainability and Cultural Dynamics in the UAE Fashion Industry: A Literary Review
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This study investigates the barriers and challenges to adopting sustainable practices in the UAE fashion industry through the lens of Institutional Theory. Employing secondary research and a thematic analysis approach, the study identifies critical themes such as supply chain transparency, green raw material sourcing, energy-efficient manufacturing, waste management, and inclusive labor practices. Findings reveal that sustainability efforts are hindered by regulatory gaps, consumer skepticism, high costs, and limited accessibility to eco-friendly resources. Despite growing consumer demand for sustainable fashion, systemic issues such as greenwashing and inadequate infrastructure persist. The study emphasizes the need for comprehensive policy reforms, enhanced stakeholder collaboration, and educational campaigns to raise awareness. It contributes empirically by highlighting actionable strategies and theoretically expanding Institutional Theory to a non-Western, emerging market context. These insights aim to facilitate the integration of sustainable practices and inform future research in sustainability transitions within similar markets.
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