Review on Data Privacy, Protection, and Security Challenges in Blockchain Adoption Across Diverse Domains
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The paper explores how blockchain technology can transform data management, especially when it comes to handling privacy and security issues. Blockchain's immutability, transparency, and decentralization make it a potentially useful tool for addressing the expanding problems associated with data security and integrity. However, the slow adoption of blockchain technology is influenced by a complex interplay of developing privacy concerns, legislative uncertainty, and technological subtleties. The current study aims to identify key data privacy, protection, and security challenges associated with blockchain adoption in various domains, assess the adequacy of the current data privacy, protection, and security laws to address these challenges, and propose potential solutions and areas for further research to mitigate data privacy, protection, and security risks in blockchain applications. Additionally, the research has examined the adaptability and dependability of the two main kinds of blockchain—public and private—as well as the variations in their reach and visibility.
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