Sustainability Goals vs. Competition Law: Global Trends and Challenges

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Souvik Ghosh
Dr. Subhajit Chakraborty


The growing awareness of climate change has highlighted the need for competition law to adapt and promote sustainability. Recently, many competition authorities have been exploring ways to integrate environmental considerations into their frameworks. The significance of aligning sustainability with competition regulations has become increasingly evident. Achieving sustainability goals requires cooperation from both companies and regulators to establish and implement industry-wide objectives. The United Nations’ sustainability goals and nations’ commitments to sustainability will shape future development in line with the Paris Agreement. Integrating green antitrust policies with economic progress is now a key topic of global debate among regulators. The Competition Commission of India is at a critical juncture to develop a clear competition policy for sustainability and offer detailed guidance to companies to meet these goals. However, the path to a sustainable antitrust policy is fraught with challenges, including economic development, innovation, jurisdictional issues, and India’s international obligations.


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Souvik Ghosh and Dr. Subhajit Chakraborty , Trans., “Sustainability Goals vs. Competition Law: Global Trends and Challenges”, IJMH, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 14–19, Oct. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijmh.B1760.11021024.
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