The Specialized Institutional Media and its Functional Role in Shaping the Mental Image of the Institutional Audience

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Dr. Maha Mustafa Omer Abdalaziz


There is confusion between the use of the concept of the mental image, the stereotype, the impression image, the inverted image, and the inverted patterns of the areas and patterns of specialized media influence in how to build and shape the mental image of the institutional audience, which will be discussed in this paper. The specialized institutional media and its functions have a role in shaping the mental image of the institutional audience through its patterns. The various media and functionalities represented in their various means and dedicated to these institutions have become considered among the means used in drawing the complex mixture of beliefs, ideas, and impressions that these institutions form among their audiences. The more these institutions can employ the means of knowledge of the public by drawing a mental image of the institution to which they belong, the more they can draw a clearer picture with multiple angles that can convey information to the public through its public or private institutional media. The importance of this paper comes from the transformation brought about by the specialized media in the possibility of shaping the mental image of the different sectors of society through what the specialized institutional media offers to the audience of institutions through the means of communication and communication through them; And the important role in forming opinions, making decisions and shaping behavior through good performance that is consistent with the needs of the public affecting and affected by the policy of the individual or institution. Therefore, the paper focused on the attention given to the subject of the mental image in many media, psychological, social, and administrative studies, and given the pivotal role that the mental image plays in influencing the areas of institutional media influence, from an influential role in our behaviors, decisions and daily lives, to that extent of benefiting from this transformation The similar integrated digital networks, which in turn caused a huge shift in the concept of specialized institutional media and the extent of its influence in shaping the mental image of the various sectors of society, especially the institutional audience, and what the media outlets aim in their specialized institutional media in the presence of an environment that allows them to achieve their goals, perform their mission and provide their services from During the process of modifying, building and shaping the mental image that requires multiple media efforts and how to benefit from it.


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How to Cite
Dr. Maha Mustafa Omer Abdalaziz , Tran., “The Specialized Institutional Media and its Functional Role in Shaping the Mental Image of the Institutional Audience”, IJMH, vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 9–16, Apr. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijmh.H1698.10080424.

How to Cite

Dr. Maha Mustafa Omer Abdalaziz , Tran., “The Specialized Institutional Media and its Functional Role in Shaping the Mental Image of the Institutional Audience”, IJMH, vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 9–16, Apr. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijmh.H1698.10080424.
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