Impact of the Usage of Cell Phones and Social Media Among the Rural College Girl Students
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The main problems of the study deal with prevalent in Government Colleges, every year 25% of college girls drop out of their higher education, and 10% of the girls are coerced into marriage by parents and continuing education. The study was conducted at the Government Arts and Science College for Women, Alangulam of Tenkasi District. It was purely an empirical study. This College offers 5 Degree Courses in Arts and Science, comprising 896 girls. One-eighth of the samples were taken for the present study. The main objectives of the study include studying how many hours cell phones are spent per day by female students on social media. ii, to examine whether it has been used for either academic purpose or personal purpose. iii. To provide effective supportive mechanisms to solve social media addiction. The present study covers 100 college girls students in art science. 80% of students have said that daily one hour using 2GP (Rs.250/- per month) for online courses in college and more than one and a half hours using houses for personal uses. 60% of the of girl’s students have reported that a part from studying, they cell phones for chatting with friends, WhatsApp status, and reels. 25% of the girls students have escaped from college education and eloped with lovers through cell phone chatting.15% of the cell phones were snatched by parents and stopped their education.
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