A Study on Gender Gap in Financial Inclusion with Special Reference to Kancheepuram District

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Dr. R. Ramki


Financial inclusion is defined as availability of financial services to a large segment of the population at a reasonable cost, such as savings, investment, borrowing, insurance and pension etc., to vast section of society at affordable cost. The essence of financial inclusion is to ensure delivery of various financial services, such as savings bank accounts for savings and transactions, availability of low-cost credit, and insurance and pension services. The main objective of this paper is to analyze the gender gap in financial inclusion. The primary data have been collected from Kancheepuram district of Tamil Nadu. The sample size for the study is 480. The findings of the study shows that the Financial Inclusion Gender Gap in Kancheepuram District is much higher than that of other parts of the country, both in banking and non-banking segments.


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Dr. R. Ramki , Tran., “A Study on Gender Gap in Financial Inclusion with Special Reference to Kancheepuram District”, IJMH, vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 32–38, Jul. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijmh.L1733.10110724.
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