Workflow Optimization of Material Management Process by Digital Adoption in Indian Residential Projects
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To analyze the present day’s material management process and the extent of digital adoption in the workflow; to identify the shortcomings in the present day’s practice; and to formulate digital inclusive framework to manage materials. Objectives 1 & 2 is achieved through 3 step process – Literature review to identify the related shortcomings (factors) and online/ web search to explore available technology; Survey(s) to assess the real time status on the factors, to identify more practical difficulties and the extent of digital adoption in the workflow; Interviewing seasoned professions to gather data in detail with respect to material. Objective 3 is achieved by comparison and analysis of the findings. Validation of the framework to assess the potential effects – Partial validation is performed as part of this study. Workflow involved in construction material management is optimized via framework. Autodesk Revit, MS Project, and MS Access are the 3 platforms proposed to be part of the framework that suits every phase of the process like Quantity survey and Estimation, Procurement Planning, Inventory, Purchasing and Store Management. Partial framework - MS Project has been validated and the results are – Ability to map the data efficiently; Précised Budget & material requirement identification resulted in an increase of 1% cost in the overall project budget; Easy Cross verification; Easy documentation; Data driven decision making; Multi - dimensional data visibility. The studies in the past have stressed on the benefits of digitalization and the willingness of construction sector in adopting the same. 2019, 2020 and 2021 studies have explored individual digital platform such as MSP, Primavera, and Revit in terms of part functions involved in material management. Whereas there is no study stating the order of workflow between these platforms for complete material management. Also, the studies in the past failed to identify and address the shortcomings related to the digital adoption. Hence, this study proposed a framework that determines the order of the workflow involved in material management between these digital platforms with an aim to optimizing the workflow.
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