An Analysis the Impact of e-HRM on Organizational Performance in Information Technology (IT) Industry in Delhi/NCR

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Nidhi Singhroha
Monika Yadav


The digital age has brought about significant changes in the business environment. The business environment and information technology (IT), one of the most important components of today’s business world, are affecting the growth of many businesses. At the management level, IT plays a special role in people management. Electronic Human Resource Management (e-HRM) is a concept that involves the use of web technologies for the provision of services related to human resource management in organizations. The purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of the concept of e-HRM, its most important features, advantages, potential disadvantages and to guide the implementation of e-HRM in Delhi/National Capital Region (NCR). The approach of this paper includes theoretical analysis of existing literature and literature on e-HRM and data analysis on e-HRM implementation by organizations in Delhi. Use SPSS software to analyse the data. It pointed out that eenergy users management is a new development that supports, enhances and supports people management both in terms of people management and leader leadership and personnel.


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Nidhi Singhroha and Monika Yadav , Trans., “An Analysis the Impact of e-HRM on Organizational Performance in Information Technology (IT) Industry in Delhi/NCR”, IJMH, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 33–36, Mar. 2025, doi: 10.35940/.
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