Dynamic Response of Suspension Bridges Due to Coupling Between Buffeting and Aeroelastic Flutter

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Hafid Mataich
Prof. Bouchta El Amrani


The effects of turbulent winds on suspension bridges are considerable, significantly influencing the bridge's floating instability and, as a result, its safety and performance. Predicting the coupled response of buffeting and flutter in suspension bridges is an advanced area of structural and aeroelastic engineering. Buffeting and flutter are not independent phenomena; buffeting, by exciting specific natural frequencies of the bridge, can contribute to the onset of flutter. Furthermore, once flutter is triggered, it alters the dynamics of the bridge, potentially amplifying the effects of buffeting. The interaction between these two phenomena can lead to complex dynamic responses that are challenging to predict through separate analyses. This paper explores this phenomenon in the time domain, requiring the expression of aerodynamic forces via convolution integrals, which incorporate the aerodynamic impulse function, structural motions, and wind fluctuations. We analyzed the aerodynamic response of the old Tacoma Bridge in the USA, situated on complex terrain and subjected to turbulent winds. A formulation that accounts for the lateral, vertical, and torsional motions of the bridge deck structure was used. The Beta-Newmark numerical algorithm was employed to integrate the bridge’s time response. Subsequently, parametric studies were conducted to further elucidate the concepts of buffeting-flutter coupling in long-span suspension bridges, aiming to assist designers in developing effective control protocols.


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How to Cite
Dynamic Response of Suspension Bridges Due to Coupling Between Buffeting and Aeroelastic Flutter (Hafid Mataich & Prof. Bouchta El Amrani , Trans.). (2025). International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE), 13(2), 30-39. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijese.K9974.13020125

How to Cite

Dynamic Response of Suspension Bridges Due to Coupling Between Buffeting and Aeroelastic Flutter (Hafid Mataich & Prof. Bouchta El Amrani , Trans.). (2025). International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE), 13(2), 30-39. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijese.K9974.13020125
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