
Dr. Vinayak Ishwar Pujari

Ph.D. (Big Data), M.Sc. (IT), B.Sc. (IT), M.C.A., M.Tech. (IT)
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, D. Y. Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur, (Maharashtra), India.
Links: Google Scholar
Specialization: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data

General Editors

Dr. Shakila Basheer

Ph.D. (Computer Science), M.Phil. (Data Mining), M.Sc. (Information Technology), BCA (Computer Applications)
Member of IEEE, Springer
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Systems, Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Links: Google ScholarORCIDScopus
Specialization: Machine Learning, Blockchain and IoT

Dr. R. Pushpa Lakshmi

PhD.(Info. Comm. Eng.), ME.(CSE), BE.(CSE)
Professor, Department of CSE(Cyber Security), PSNA College of Engineering & Technology Din Digul (Tamil Nadu), India.
Links: Google ScholarORCIDScopusResearch Gate
Specialization: Data Science, Network Security, ML

Associate Editors

Dr. Avinash M. Pawar
Ph.D(ME), M.Tech(ME), B.Tech(ME)
Associate Professor & Head of the Department, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering for Women, Pune (Maharashtra), India.
Links: Google ScholarORCIDScopus
Specialization: Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing Processes

Prof. (Dr.) Anand Kr. Shukla

Ph.D.(CSE), MCA, M.Tech(CSE)
Member of IEEE, ACM, CSTA
Dean University School of Computing, Rayat Bhara University, Chandigarh, Punjab.
Links: ORCIDScopus
Specialization: Data Sciences, Machine Learning, Software Engineering.