An In-Depth Comprehensive Analysis of Machine Learning Tools Applied in Biomedical Contexts: A Case Study Analysis

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Dr. Lokendra Kumar Tiwari
Dr. Arun Kumar Singh


With the wave of technological progress in this modern time, artificial intelligence (AI) has not only been introduced in various fields but is also being used worldwide, especially in healthcare. Artificial intelligence (AI) is slowly changing medical practices. Along with recent advances in machine learning, digital data acquisition, and computing infrastructure, AI applications are expanding into areas previously thought to be the province of human experts. In this research paper, we have focused how machine learning can be used to effectively provide solutions to many medical/biomedical issues, the paper identifies, challenges for further advances in Healthcare System AI systems, and summarized economic, legal, and social healthcare.


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An In-Depth Comprehensive Analysis of Machine Learning Tools Applied in Biomedical Contexts: A Case Study Analysis (Dr. Lokendra Kumar Tiwari & Dr. Arun Kumar Singh , Trans.). (2024). International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE), 12(12), 1-4.
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