Assessment of Different Methods for Determinng Bearıng Capacıty for Shallow Foundatıon on Hill Slope
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The bearing capacity of soil is a crucial factor in foundation design, and it can be determined using various methods such as IS 6403:1981, Meyerhof (1957), Hansen (1970), and Terzaghi (1943), among others. This paper aims to study the most suitable method for assessing the bearing capacity of soil in hilly regions like Aizawl, Mizoram. In this regard, the Durtlang locality which is the most developing area under the Aizawl Municipal Corporation (AMC) has been selected for the study area. The study involved collecting undisturbed soil samples from ten different locations of the study area which were then tested in the laboratory to determine their engineering properties. Based on the obtained soil properties, the safe bearing capacity (SBC) was calculated using different methods, including IS 6403:1981, Meyerhof (1957), Hansen (1970), and Terzaghi (1943). A comparative analysis was conducted to evaluate the SBC values derived from these methods. Moreover, a parametric analysis was also conducted to study the impact of cohesion 'c' and the angle of internal friction 'Φ’ of soil on the bearing capacity of soil. The study concluded that as the cohesion of the soil increased, the angle of internal friction tended to decrease. On the other hand, the safe bearing capacity (SBC) was found to increase with a higher angle of internal friction. The results of the comparative analysisrevealed that, forthe selected soil samples, the bearing capacities calculated using IS 6403:1981, Meyerhof (1957), and Terzaghi (1943) were higher than those derived from Hansen's (1970) equation. Notably, both Meyerhof (1957) and Hansen (1970) incorporate the slope angle in their bearing capacity calculations, whereas IS 6403:1981 and Terzaghi (1943) provide general formulas that do not account for slope effects. These findings highlight that the method chosen for calculating bearing capacity has a significant impact on the results.
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