A Comparative Study of Sustainable Energy Brayton Cycles in the Oil and Gas Industry. Part 1: Performance

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Diwa James Enyia
Stanley James-Diwa Enyia
Dane Osim-Asu
Ambrose Imbuo Agba
Chidiebere Jeffery Ogochukwu


Brayton cycles are open gas turbine cycles extensively used in civil aviation and the petrochemical industry because of their advantageous volume and weight characteristics. With the bulk of engine emissions associated, it is necessary to promote their environmentally-friendliness, including sound technical performance regularly. This research considers high bypass-low specific power plants in aviation and aero-derivative gas turbines combined-heat-and-power generation in the petrochemical industry. The investigation encompasses the comparative assessment of simple and advanced gas turbine cycle options including the component behaviour of the systems. This comprises the performance module. The research has contributed to understanding the technical performances of simple and advanced cycle helicopter engines, and aero-derivative industrial gas turbine cycles at design and off-design conditions. The simple cycles were modified for better fuel burn and thermal efficiency by using some additional components to form the advanced cycles. The helicopter engine investigated was converted to a small-scale aero-derivative industrial engine. Modeling the combined-heat-and-power performance of the small, medium, and large-scale aero-derivative industrial gas turbines was also implemented. The contribution also includes understanding the technical performances of both simple and advanced aero-derivative gas turbines combined heat-and-power at design and off-design A case study underlies the development and deployment of this model. The novelty is the conception of a tool for predicting the most preferred simple and advanced cycle aero-derivative engines combined heat-and-power generation in the petrochemical industry and the derivation of simple and advanced cycle small-scale aero-derivative industrial gas turbines from helicopter engines.


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A Comparative Study of Sustainable Energy Brayton Cycles in the Oil and Gas Industry. Part 1: Performance (Diwa James Enyia, Stanley James-Diwa Enyia, Dane Osim-Asu, Ambrose Imbuo Agba, & Chidiebere Jeffery Ogochukwu , Trans.). (2024). International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE), 12(10), 23-29. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijese.I2583.12100924

How to Cite

A Comparative Study of Sustainable Energy Brayton Cycles in the Oil and Gas Industry. Part 1: Performance (Diwa James Enyia, Stanley James-Diwa Enyia, Dane Osim-Asu, Ambrose Imbuo Agba, & Chidiebere Jeffery Ogochukwu , Trans.). (2024). International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE), 12(10), 23-29. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijese.I2583.12100924
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