Predictive Controller Strategies for Electrical Drives System using Inverter System

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Dr. Suraj R. Karpe
Sanjay Deokar
Dr. Ulhas B. Shinde


Advanced control strategies in power electronics include Predictive controller of current (P CURRENT CONTROL) and Predictive controller of torque (P TORQUE CONTROL). In order to operate a SRM or an induction machine, the Predictive controller of torque (P TORQUE CONTROL) approach analyses the stator flux and electromagnetic torque in the cost function (IM), and the Predictive controller of current (P CURRENT CONTROL) method [1,2] takes errors between the current reference and the measured current into account in the cost function. The switching vector selected for usage in IGBTs reduces the error between the references and the predicted values. The system restrictions are easy to include [4, 5]. The weighting component is not required. Together with the P TORQUE CONTROL and P CURRENT CONTROL systems, the SRM method is the most practicable direct control technique since it doesn't require a modulator and offers 10% to 30% more power than an induction motor [3]. With the same current, an induction motor can only generate between 70 and 90 percent of the force generated by an SRM due to its lagging power factor. SRM approach decreases 23% more THD in torque, speed, and stator current when P CURRENT CONTROL and P TORQUE CONTROL method with 15-level H-bridge multilevel inverter is compared to P CURRENT CONTROL and P TORQUE CONTROL method with 15-level H-bridge multilevel inverter utilising induction motor [21]. The transistors are only swapped when necessary to maintain the limits of torque and flux, which minimises switching losses. To improve the efficiency of a multilevel inverter, semiconductor switches are switched in a specific pattern. In contrast to the P TORQUE CONTROL and P CURRENT CONTROL approaches using a 2-level voltage source inverter, the 15-level H-bridge multilevel inverter employed in this study, coupled with SRM and IM, gives outstanding torque and flux responses and achieves robust and stable operation. This unique strategy quickly caught the interest of academics due to its simple algorithm and high performances in both steady and transient modes [8].


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How to Cite
Predictive Controller Strategies for Electrical Drives System using Inverter System (Dr. Suraj R. Karpe, Sanjay Deokar, & Dr. Ulhas B. Shinde , Trans.). (2024). International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE), 12(7), 27-39.

How to Cite

Predictive Controller Strategies for Electrical Drives System using Inverter System (Dr. Suraj R. Karpe, Sanjay Deokar, & Dr. Ulhas B. Shinde , Trans.). (2024). International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE), 12(7), 27-39.
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