A Case Study on Image Co-Registration of Hyper-Spectral and Dual (L & S) Band SAR Data and Ore Findings Over Zewar Mines, India

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Dipanjan Dutta
Tamesh Halder
Abhishek Penchala
Kandukoori Vamshi Krishna
Grajula Prashnath
Debashish Chakravarty


The technique of superimposing two or more photographs in a way that ensures that for each image, the same pixel corresponds to the same location of the target scene is known as image coregistration It is a crucial stage in the picture enhancement process for satellite images. Different frequency bands store feature. Image fusion makes it possible to superimpose co-registered pictures taken by several sensors to get a superior image incorporating elements from both sources. On many match patches that are evenly dispersed over the two scenes, we estimate pixel offsets between possibly coherent picture pairings as image coregistration allows a more detailed single image to be obtained than many photos with distinct attributes. This study presents existing various fusion methods for ASAR (Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar) images in the Sband and L-band to interpret urban, forestry, and agricultural areas. AVIRIS hyper spectral data also shows mining possibilities on ore of region. Hence, the seeking of ore region, and coregistration using fusion facilitates the remote sensing architecture next to drones.


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A Case Study on Image Co-Registration of Hyper-Spectral and Dual (L & S) Band SAR Data and Ore Findings Over Zewar Mines, India (Dipanjan Dutta, Tamesh Halder, Abhishek Penchala, Kandukoori Vamshi Krishna, Grajula Prashnath, & Debashish Chakravarty , Trans.). (2024). International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE), 12(6), 17-25. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijese.A8055.12060524
Author Biographies

Abhishek Penchala, Department of Mining Engineering, IIT Kharagpur (West Bengal), India.

Kandukoori Vamshi Krishna, Department of Mining Engineerin,  Zewar Mines, Zewar (Rajasthan), India.

Debashish Chakravarty, Department of Mining Engineering, IIT Khragpur (West Bengal), India.

How to Cite

A Case Study on Image Co-Registration of Hyper-Spectral and Dual (L & S) Band SAR Data and Ore Findings Over Zewar Mines, India (Dipanjan Dutta, Tamesh Halder, Abhishek Penchala, Kandukoori Vamshi Krishna, Grajula Prashnath, & Debashish Chakravarty , Trans.). (2024). International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE), 12(6), 17-25. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijese.A8055.12060524
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