A Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Afghanistan

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Nasrin Faqiri
Ahmad Fawad Faqiri


Afghanistan stands as one of the leading contributors to global greenhouse gas emissions, yet it remains one of the most susceptible nations to the adverse impacts of climate change. This vulnerability is underscored by recurrent episodes of droughts, floods, and landslides, exacerbated by the nation's exposure to natural disasters. However, the crux of this vulnerability lies not solely in exposure but also in the heightened sensitivity of the Afghan populace to these calamities. In light of Afghanistan's poverty and relatively underdeveloped status, any immediate expectation of curtailing greenhouse gas emissions appears unrealistic and unjust. The nation faces a paradoxical challenge balancing burgeoning emissions, inevitable amid developmental strides, with safe-guarding the interests of the impoverished populace. The heart of this challenge lies in ensuring that the trajectory of rising emissions aligns with uplifting the socioeconomic status of the vulnerable. This research delves into the complex interplay between Afghanistan's greenhouse gas emissions, its developmental trajectory, and the vulnerability of its population to climate change. By scrutinizing these facets, it aims to unearth pathways that reconcile developmental needs with environmental consciousness, with a paramount focus on securing the most marginalized against the dire consequences of climate change.


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A Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Afghanistan (Nasrin Faqiri & Ahmad Fawad Faqiri , Trans.). (2024). International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE), 12(5), 1-5. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijese.E2568.12050424
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