Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour in Online Shopping: A Comprehensive Study

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L Jalaja


Online marketing involves promoting and selling goods and services through the internet without buyer and seller coming in direct contact with each other. In the rapidly growing digital era, the role of online marketing in modern marketing has become part and parcel of the strategy of planning and success for any organisations. The marketing strategy adopted by firms to reach out to its customers has also undergone an incredible change. It is the internet which has changed the way of life. The business has always changing its dynamics in line with the expected behaviour of its consumers. Online marketing has developed into a full-fledged platform to spread details about a company’s brand, products or services to its potential customers and market the same. Internet has changed the way consumers shop for product and services globally. It has played an all pervasive role in the context of covid-19, where this sector has seen substantial increase in usage pattern. In this scenario, it is essential for the businesses to understand the factors influencing consumer behaviour to shop online. Online marketing is a crowded place with many players vying for their pie. So right strategy is required to survive in the market place. The success and failure of the companies depend on the strategy it has chosen to reach out its targeted consumers. This study aims at studying the factors influencing the consumer behaviour towards online shopping. Through this study a marketer will be able to analyse the possibilities and future prospects of online marketing through consumer behaviour. The method of collecting data are primary and secondary sources. Statistical tools like tabulation, percentages, and factor analysis are applied for analysing the collected data. This study was accomplished to determine the consumer behaviour in Chennai .


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How to Cite
L Jalaja , Tran., “Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour in Online Shopping: A Comprehensive Study”, IJMH, vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 1–6, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijmh.J1712.10100624.

How to Cite

L Jalaja , Tran., “Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour in Online Shopping: A Comprehensive Study”, IJMH, vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 1–6, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijmh.J1712.10100624.
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