Development of Learning Facilities for ADHD Student Aged 6-9 Years Old at Special School in Indonesia
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Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobiological disorder in the form of inability to focus attention, easily distracted, impulsive, and hyperactive. Children with ADHD are usually aggressive, unable calm down, are difficult to teach, and have trouble focusing when doing an activity. With this, children with ADHD need treatment, special handling, as well as facilities and infrastructure that are suitable for children with ADHD. One special facility for ADHD that looks significant compared to other normal facilities is a study furniture designed for children with ADHD. The study furniture is important because it often interacts with children with ADHD for a long time. The good consideration of a design is the fulfillment of needs that can adapt to user conditions. To get a solution, interviews with experts were conducted, potential users that is children with ADHD aged 6-9 years, literature studies on ADHD, active seating, fidgeting, ergonomics, color, benchmarking to product existing, and analysis of user needs. The results of this design are furniture sets in the form of tables and chairs that use active seating, calm, adjustable, and safe as the concept to support the learning activities of children with ADHD in special schools. The chair design uses the concept of active seating in the form of whole body fidgeting to support hyperactive and inattention symtoms. This design utilizes digital simulation to digitize the concept and simulate it, reducing trial and error during prototype development. Furniture with adjustable height system for children aged 6-9 years with a simple and safe form for the needs of children with ADHD. This design uses muted brown color to give a clean impression and not cause distraction, combined with a muted blue color to give a calming feel from a psychological standpoint and fulfill user preferences.
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