A Novel Miniaturized Hexagonal-Shaped Patch Antenna for Microwave 5G Communications

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Rashika K
Thirisha S
Uthayakumar G.S


The creation of a hexagon-shaped patch antenna for Sub-6GHz 5G communications is presented in this study. For 5G wireless applications, the suggested antenna can resonate at the center frequency of 6 GHz. The proposed antenna features a hexagonal design, multiple radiating slots with partial ground and is fed with a microstrip feedline. It measures 17.5 × 22.2 × 1.6 mm3 and operates on the N102 band at 6 GHz. Return loss, VSWR, peak gain, and impedance bandwidth are all elements of the performance of the proposed antenna. The proposed antenna employs slots that cover the frequency range of 5.92 GHz to 6.35 GHz. At a resonant frequency of 6.1 GHz, the suggested antenna's reflection coefficient (S11) is 44.6 dB, with a peak gain of roughly 3.2 dB. Thus, the suggested antenna can be used for 5G wireless applications operating at 6 GHz


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Rashika K, Thirisha S, and Uthayakumar G.S , Trans., “A Novel Miniaturized Hexagonal-Shaped Patch Antenna for Microwave 5G Communications”, IJIES, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 1–4, Feb. 2025, doi: 10.35940/ijies.B1088.12020225.
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