Design of ERP Production Planning Module to Optimize the use of System Application and Processing (SAP) Software Using Business Process Improvement and Activate SAP Methodology at PT. XYZ
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The management of a company always tries to find a solution on how to survive and be able to align company resources with the development or increasing business demands. Increasing business demands, especially in managing company resources, require a systematic and integrated system. One way is to improve the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that is currently owned by changing or increasing its status by upgrading to ERP that is able to help company employees in managing company assets, production needs, customer management, accounting and financial systems. One type of ERP that is widely used by large companies is the System Application Product (SAP). In addition, to optimize its operational performance by reimplementing SAP ERP because in its operations there are still several business processes that have not implemented SAP ERP to improve Business Process Improvement, cost efficiency through integrated digitalization and corporate value
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