Generative AI: Crafting Tomorrow’s Creativity

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Harikesh Tiwari
Dr. Chandra Kishor Pandey


The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) has impacted creativity, providing artists, writers, designers, and innovators with powerful tools. This research explores the intersection of AI and human creativity, demonstrating AI’s ability to create unique content, perform tasks, and introduce new drama. Disruption poses significant challenges, including misinformation, transfer of labor, fraud, and bias in AI output. Addressing these issues requires strict regulation, greater transparency, and public awareness of the risks involved. Future efforts should focus on addressing ethical implications, ensuring transparency, and aligning technological changes with the needs of society. This is good for creating stability and balance, but people use these thing for fraud that is very harmfull for our society. Solutions include using intelligence-based search tools, improving cybersecurity, encouraging ethical behavior, and developing a skilled workforce. This study highlights the importance of balancing the benefits and risks of generative AI to foster meaningful creativity as well as its role in integrating into society. With strong ethical protections, generative AI offers many opportunities for innovation. The Telecom company should block all kinds of messages such as,(Phishing, lottery/prize scams, tech support scams, love scams, bill or payment scams, tax scams, investment scams) for the customers, and also send the alert message for the scam to all the users via Voice.


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Harikesh Tiwari and Dr. Chandra Kishor Pandey , Trans., “Generative AI: Crafting Tomorrow’s Creativity”, IJIES, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 1–4, Jan. 2025, doi: 10.35940/ijies.A1097.12010125.
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