Enhancing Privacy in the Management of Library Resources: A Novel Approach Utilizing FRS and ABE-CP Algorithm for Improved Protection
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Libraries contain sensitive resources that users can access. The vital challenges faced include unauthorized access, privacy violations, malicious attacks, etc. Researchers have explored several ways to curb these challenges including encryption, policies, anti-malware etc. An improved design to secure library resources based on Fragmentation Redundancy Scattering (FRS) and Attribute-Based Encryption CiphertextPolicy (ABE- CP) was presented. The core idea of FRS is to fragment confidential information to produce insignificant fragments and then scatter the pieces across the distributed system. As such, the scheme provides a new technique to manage network components and exchange encryption keys. By comparing the proposed scheme with other schemes, the proposed scheme prevents unauthorized access to users’ data and protects user’s privacy. The scheme in addition becomes resistant to common attacks like replay and man-in-the-middle. According to our findings, the scheme is safe, practicable, and comprehensive with high security for both encrypting and decrypting users’ data within the least possible time.
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