Augmenting Security of Smart Homes

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Narsaiah Putta
Raman Dugyala
Pallati Narsimhulu


The development of new technology and people's propensity to rely on it more and more each year have led to enormous advancements in human technology. The idea of the Internet of Things (IOT) and later "Smart Homes" was one such enormous step. The surge in the smart home sector is due to the introduction of extremely practical and affordable technologies. However, the expanded use has also created a new set of security and privacy risks for those who rely on smart home technology. This article covers the basic idea of smart homes and IOT devices, as well as any current risks and any previous countermeasures that have been suggested.


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Narsaiah Putta, Raman Dugyala, and Pallati Narsimhulu , Trans., “Augmenting Security of Smart Homes”, IJIES, vol. 11, no. 12, pp. 21–24, Dec. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijies.I1065.11121224.
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