Study on Performance of Cable Stayed Bridge with Different Geometric Conditions

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Shaikh Azan
Prof. Sharat Chowka


The construction of cable-stayed bridges has been on the rise in recent years, driven by their aesthetic appeal and unique structural design. This research focuses on the analysis of cable-stayed bridges, The study employed the MIDAS CIVIL software to model and analyse the cable-stayed bridges of two types H-shape and A-D shape, with all the bridges having the same material and section properties. For the seismic analysis time-history analysis has been performed by utilizing data from the 1940 El Centro earthquake, allowing for the investigation of the dynamic behaviour of the bridges. The cable-stayed bridge design is characterized by the transmission of the deck's reaction forces to the pylons, which in turn transfer the load to the foundation. The study reviewed a range of evaluations, including axial forces, displacements, and bending moments, to understand the structural behaviour of the cable-stayed bridges. The results reveal that as the complexity of the cable-stayed bridge design rises, the structural behaviour becomes more complex. The findings of this research contribute to the understanding of the dynamic response of cable-stayed bridges, which is vital for their structural health monitoring and design optimization.


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How to Cite

Study on Performance of Cable Stayed Bridge with Different Geometric Conditions (Shaikh Azan & Prof. Sharat Chowka , Trans.). (2024). International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE), 13(1), 16-22.
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