Eye Disease Prediction Among Corporate Employees using Machine Learning Techniques

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Dr. A. Tamilarasi
T. Jawahar Karthick
R. Dharani
S. Jeevitha


In the IT sector, employees use systems for more than 6 hs, so they are affected by many health problems. Mostly In the IT sector, employees are affected with eye diseases like eye strain, eye pain, burning sensation, double vision, blurring of vision, and frequent watering. The major goal of this research is to identify the different types of eye problems encountered, the symptoms present, and the population afflicted by eye diseases in order to accurately forecast outcomes using a Machine learning techniques for real-time data sets.


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How to Cite
Eye Disease Prediction Among Corporate Employees using Machine Learning Techniques (Dr. A. Tamilarasi, T. Jawahar Karthick, R. Dharani, & S. Jeevitha , Trans.). (2023). International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE), 11(10), 1-5. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijese.C7895.09111023

How to Cite

Eye Disease Prediction Among Corporate Employees using Machine Learning Techniques (Dr. A. Tamilarasi, T. Jawahar Karthick, R. Dharani, & S. Jeevitha , Trans.). (2023). International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE), 11(10), 1-5. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijese.C7895.09111023
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