Selection of Alternative Working Methods using the Crashing and Microsoft Project Methods

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Muhammad Djuneydi
Yudi Setio Prabowo
M. Oka Mahendra


In carrying out the PPLP Banten Building construction project, it experienced delays. The causes of delays are the addition of time, changes in shop drawings and material delays. Then the solution in theMicrosoft project is an alternative crashing method of 4 hours of overtime and work shifts. The research results obtained 18 jobs that are on the critical path of 43 jobs. The normal total duration is 942 days and the normal fee is Rp. 569.100.000 using AHSP. The results obtained are the total duration of the alternative crashing 4 hours of overtime work is 678 days, while the work shift is 530 days, the AHSP Project produces an alternative total cost of 4 hours overtime of Rp. 3.066.675.000 and work shifts with accident costs of Rp. 1.223.565.000. The alternative cost of 4 hours of overtime using the AHSP project is Rp. 193.067.245,23 and work shifts using the AHSP project of Rp. 33.638.199,58 then the work shift alternative is more economical and was chosen to be applied to the project. The results of the comparison of direct and indirect costs for the 4-hour overtime alternative are direct costs Rp. 9.672.161.032,2 indirect costs Rp. 1.322.728.805,77 and direct costs for work shift alternatives Rp.9.512.731.986,58 costs Rp. 1.273.456.116,78 then the work shift alternative is more economical and is chosen to be applied to the project.


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How to Cite
Muhammad Djuneydi, Yudi Setio Prabowo, and M. Oka Mahendra , Trans., “Selection of Alternative Working Methods using the Crashing and Microsoft Project Methods”, IJEAT, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 127–139, Jun. 2023, doi: 10.35940/ijeat.E4130.0612523.

How to Cite

Muhammad Djuneydi, Yudi Setio Prabowo, and M. Oka Mahendra , Trans., “Selection of Alternative Working Methods using the Crashing and Microsoft Project Methods”, IJEAT, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 127–139, Jun. 2023, doi: 10.35940/ijeat.E4130.0612523.
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