Drilling Casing Design using Drilling Software at Well “Well X-01” Field “S”

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Dr. KRT. Nur Suhascaryo
Sulistyorini Widi Hastuti
Eko Suyanto


Well "X-01" is a slant (J-Type) directional well and will be subjected to appropriate and technically qualified drilling casing planning in order to prevent problems such as burst, collapse, and tension that can cause increased internal and external pressure loads experienced by the casing. The methodology used in this research is document study and quantitative analysis in casing planning using Drilling Software by taking into account the loading acting on the casing, which is burst, collapse, tension, biaxial, and triaxial loads. Casing design planning for Well "X-01" is carried out by analyzing the casing setting depth based on PPFG data, considering kick tolerance, then casing planning is carried out using Drilling Software. The results of drilling casing planning in Well "X-01" Field "S" using Drilling Software, five design routes were obtained, that is conductor casing using X-52 casing; 157.5 ppf, surface casing using K-55 casing; 94 ppf, intermediate casing using K-55 casing; 54.5 ppf, kick tolerance 32.55 bbls, production casing using K-55 casing; 40 ppf, kick tolerance 42.1 bbls, and production liner using K-55 casing; 23 ppf, kick tolerance 69.08 bbls. The safety factor of each route met API standards for the durability of the selected casing. In well "X", casing planning can be a reference in the casing design process stage because optimal and safe results are obtained


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How to Cite
Dr. KRT. Nur Suhascaryo, Sulistyorini Widi Hastuti, and Eko Suyanto , Trans., “Drilling Casing Design using Drilling Software at Well “Well X-01” Field ‘S’”, IJRTE, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 47–51, Oct. 2023, doi: 10.35940/ijrte.C7869.0912323.

How to Cite

Dr. KRT. Nur Suhascaryo, Sulistyorini Widi Hastuti, and Eko Suyanto , Trans., “Drilling Casing Design using Drilling Software at Well “Well X-01” Field ‘S’”, IJRTE, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 47–51, Oct. 2023, doi: 10.35940/ijrte.C7869.0912323.
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