Seismic Study of Precast Steel-Reinforced Concrete Building using Shake Table Test

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Mohammad Arastu
Professor Khalid Moin


Precast Steel-Reinforced Concrete (PSRC) structural frame systems for moment-resisting, comprised of Prefabricated Steel (S) girders and Precast Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) columns. This structural system has the advantage of inherent stiffness and damping during a seismic event. PSRC’s moment-resisting frame system is also known for its construction efficiency, lightweight, and low cost. Earlier investigations have shown PSRC systems helpful in designing and constructing buildings while maintaining ample strength and high ductility during seismic incidents. Despite much previous research, the use of the PSRC structural system in India is still limited. Previous studies have accepted a vital need to test comprehensive structural systems, both experimentally and analytically – to validate the knowledge collected to date and act as evidence of concept for the PSRC moment-resisting frame system. This paper aims to facilitate more recognition and use of the PSRC structural system as a feasible choice for traditional RCC lateral resisting systems. A shake-table test was conducted to evaluate the PSRC building performance during maximum considered earthquake events. The comparative study of experimental and numerical results of the 1/4th scaled building is presented. 


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How to Cite
Mohammad Arastu and Professor Khalid Moin , Trans., “Seismic Study of Precast Steel-Reinforced Concrete Building using Shake Table Test”, IJITEE, vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 1–7, Jun. 2023, doi: 10.35940/ijitee.G9575.0612723.

How to Cite

Mohammad Arastu and Professor Khalid Moin , Trans., “Seismic Study of Precast Steel-Reinforced Concrete Building using Shake Table Test”, IJITEE, vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 1–7, Jun. 2023, doi: 10.35940/ijitee.G9575.0612723.
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