Edge-Driven Linux Platform for Power Quality Solutions

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Mr Jeevan Chandra C
Dr. Sandhya S
Mr. Bhaskar Reddy N


In the modern landscape of data centers, ensuring optimal power quality and efficiency is paramount. This paper describes designing and implementing an edge-driven Linux platform for power quality solutions for real-time measurement, analysis, and conformity with IEC 61000-4-30, IEEE 519, and EN 50160 standards. It employs an AM6442xx processor and has a web interface with the backing of an efficient embedded web server, a NodeJS, and a Nginx server. It supports industrial communication protocols like Modbus TCP to simplify integration into existing systems. In addition, it involves risk assessment, threat modeling, and enhanced ability of the platform to withstand tests that threaten the confidentiality and integrity of data. Thus, the proposed solution increases the efficiency of data center operations and provides reliable power quality metering that meets current international standards.


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Mr Jeevan Chandra C, Dr. Sandhya S, and Mr. Bhaskar Reddy N , Trans., “Edge-Driven Linux Platform for Power Quality Solutions”, IJITEE, vol. 13, no. 11, pp. 14–21, Oct. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijitee.K9992.13111024.
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