
Prof. Dr. Abbas Fadhil Aljuboori

Ph.D.(Web Applications & Data Mining), M.Sc.(Data Security), B.Sc.(Mathematics & Computer Applications)
Member of IEEE, ACM, Elsevier, Springer
Professor & Researcher, Department of Media Technology Engineering, University of Information Technology and Communications, Iraq.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus, SSRN
Specialization: Big Data, Web Applications, Smart Applications

General Editors

Dr. Mahdi Hosseini

Post Doc. (Structural Engg.), Ph.D.(Structural Engg.), M.Tech.(Structural Engg.), B.Tech.(Civil Engg.)
Associate Professor, Department of Building Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, China.
Links: Google ScholarORCIDScopusWOS
Specialization: Structural Engineering, Structural Dynamics, Structural Analysis and Design, High Rise Structures, Reinforced Concrete Structures, Seismic Analysis of Buildings, Earthquake Engineering.

Dr. Surabhi Saxena

Ph.D. (Computer Application), MCA (Computer Application), BCA (Computer Application)
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Poornima University, Jaipur (Rajasthan), India.
Links: Google ScholarORCIDScopusResearch Gate
Specialization: Software Engineering, Cloud Computing, Machine Learning.

Associate Editors

Dr. P. Senthil Pandian

Ph.D (CSE), ME (CSE), M.Phil (CS), M.C.A (CA)
Member of IEEE, ACM
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Solamalai College of Engineering, Madurai (Tamil Nadu), India.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCID
Specialization: Data Mining, IoT, Cloud Computing

Mr. Denis Chemezov

M.Sc. (Design Technological), B.Sc. (Machine Building Technology)
Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Vladimir Industrial College, Vladimir, Russia.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCID
Specialization: CAE, Engineering, Management