Development and Analysis of a Highly Compact Microstrip Patch Antenna for WiFi 6E Applications

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Zainab Yunusa


In this research article, a microstrip patch antenna optimized for WiFi 6E applications is presented and analyzed. The antenna, constructed with an FR4 substrate measuring 20 × 24 × 1.53 mm³, adopts a rectangular shape and is designed using CST MWS® software. An equivalent circuit model is formulated and simulated with ADS software to ensure accurate representation. Operating at 6 GHz, simulated results from CST MWS® software indicate a bandwidth of 343 MHz (5.861 GHz to 6.204 GHz), while ADS software suggests 339 MHz (5.848 GHz to 6.187 GHz). In contrast, measured results exhibit a bandwidth of 196 MHz (5.827 GHz to 6.023 GHz). Despite slight discrepancies, satisfactory alignment is observed between computational and experimental outcomes, supported by the equivalent circuit model. Radiation patterns, gain, and efficiency are measured in an anechoic chamber and compared with simulations. E-plane shows directionality, while H-plane demonstrates omnidirectionality, aligning well with simulated patterns. The simulated gain is 5.77 dBi, measured gain is 5.61 dBi, resulting in a simulated efficiency of 93% and a measured efficiency of 88%. The antenna is deemed suitable for cost-effective WiFi 6E applications.


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How to Cite
Zainab Yunusa , Tran., “Development and Analysis of a Highly Compact Microstrip Patch Antenna for WiFi 6E Applications”, IJITEE, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 21–26, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijitee.H9919.13070624.

How to Cite

Zainab Yunusa , Tran., “Development and Analysis of a Highly Compact Microstrip Patch Antenna for WiFi 6E Applications”, IJITEE, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 21–26, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijitee.H9919.13070624.
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