Analysing the Impact of Simulation-Based Design Processes on Structural Performance Optimization: A Research Inquiry

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Arpit Singh
Maru Darsh Uday
Roshan Shivaji Rathod
Dr. Santhil A. S.


With the recent advancement of several technologies and software, the simulation-based design processes for optimizing the structural strength of various erections have become very effortless. This software is an advanced version of the human mind possessed to have solutions for complex problems in real-time. However, this software lacks the creativity, broader understanding, and intuition that characterize the human mind. This paper is a research study on some computer-aided software and their efficiency in finding the structural strength of complex residential buildings. This software reduces the need for time-consuming and costly physical testing. This paper also gives compiled information about issues of simulation software, trends in optimization studies, and the effectiveness of these tools. Factors such as model simplification, material property calibration, and validation against real-world performance data are critically processed to ensure the reliability and applicability of the proposed design solutions. In addition to these, this paper is composed of a holistic approach to structural optimization with a Building Information Modelling platform within the context of the entire building lifecycle. Emphasizing sustainability and environmental considerations, the study examines how simulation-based design processes can contribute to reducing energy consumption, minimizing environmental impact, and achieving compliance with green building standards. Primarily this research inquiry provides insights and recommendations that can inform the development of best practices for optimizing the structural strength of complex residential buildings.


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How to Cite
Arpit Singh, Maru Darsh Uday, Roshan Shivaji Rathod, Sakshi, and Dr. Santhil A. S. , Trans., “Analysing the Impact of Simulation-Based Design Processes on Structural Performance Optimization: A Research Inquiry”, IJITEE, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 34–39, May 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijitee.G9896.13060524.

How to Cite

Arpit Singh, Maru Darsh Uday, Roshan Shivaji Rathod, Sakshi, and Dr. Santhil A. S. , Trans., “Analysing the Impact of Simulation-Based Design Processes on Structural Performance Optimization: A Research Inquiry”, IJITEE, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 34–39, May 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijitee.G9896.13060524.
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