Heat and Mass Transfer in Unsteady MHD Casson Fluid Flow Over a Semi-Infinite Vertical Plate Through Porous Medium with Dissipative and Radiative Effects

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Dr. Muhammad Minarul Islam
Riaz Hossain


Nowadays, Casson fluid and its diverse applications are highly effective across a vast array of industrial, biological and environmental sectors, due to its unique flow properties. This study focuses on the numerical investigation of the heat and mass transfer characteristics of an unsteady incompressible Casson fluid flow over a semi-infinite vertical flat plate by considering free convection effects. The fluid is conducting the electrical current as it moves through the porous medium. The formulation of the governing equation is based on the use of this phenomenon. In the model, the formulated governing equations are converted into non-dimensional form first, and the MHD mathematical model is analyzed using the boundary conditions. The scheme of finite difference method is implemented to solve the model, where concentration profiles are also discussed. Stability and convergence criteria are applied for the accuracy of numerical techniques, and the effects of various parameters on skin friction, rate of heat and mass transfer have been examined significantly. The results indicate that the temperature of the plate increases with the increase in the value of the magnetic parameter for the Casson fluid but the reverse is observed in its limiting case. The present results are compared and checked with previously published results and a remarkable conclusion is given at the end of the study.


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Heat and Mass Transfer in Unsteady MHD Casson Fluid Flow Over a Semi-Infinite Vertical Plate Through Porous Medium with Dissipative and Radiative Effects. (2024). International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME), 12(11), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijisme.E7974.12111124


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