Solar Based Water Purification System

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N. P. Mawale
Niranjan Devale
Aniruddha Goswami
Soham Borawake


In this paper, we present a solar-powered water purifier based on the principle of reverse osmosis. Solar panels collect radiation, which is stored in a battery. The battery supplies power to the purification unit via an electromagnetic relay. The purification unit includes a high-pressure motor, a reverse osmosis system, and a water tank. The motor generates the pressure needed for reverse osmosis. A microcontroller monitors the water level in the tank to prevent overflow. This method results in purified water stored in the tank. Solar-powered water purification systems are considered a key solution for providing clean water. Solar energy is environmentally friendly and a reliable energy source.


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Solar Based Water Purification System. (2024). International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME), 12(9), 1-4.


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