The Combination of Cyber Security, Excessive Programming, and Available Technology to Create an Effective Weapon
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This research presents a model for designing a military terrestrial drone from available technology by using Raspberry Pi, the proposed model should fulfill the general requirements by providing a secure remote connection, a camera control application with a reliable targeting system, and motion control. We suggested SSH connection with cyber-attack simulation by Ettercap and sslstrip tool to test its reliability, and mark vulnerabilities if exist, as for the camera application and targeting system, python was our main language to write it and we used the SSD object detection method of machine learning for the camera to be able to identify and track objects it sees, python libraries like Tkinter along with PIL library was used to create the application GUI interface and its functions along with OpenCV to provide algorithms for video stream processing and displaying, we used OpenCV also for object detection algorithms writing, and socket was used to create a client-server connection on raspberry pi and windows controlling machine to transfer the targeting control signal, as for the controlling of motion functions its done through SSH PutTTY app and the python curses library. The research’s goal is to prove a theory regarding the military technology in the Middle East of mostly using available and civilian-accessed technology provided in stores to manufacture weapons that could show great performance on the battlefield, we improvised this principle in drone manufacture due to its significant role in modern days war.
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