Performance and Emission Characteristics of VCR Engine Fueled with TYRE Oil and Cotton Seed Oil Blends
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In this paper, the biodiesel from non-edible tyre oil and edible cottonseed oil is prepared using a two-step 'acid-base' process. An experimental investigation has been carried out to analyze the performance and combustion characteristics of a VCR diesel engine fueled with tyre oil & cottonseed oil and its blends for different compression ratios. The blends will be prepared using varying 5% of biofuel with diesel, using cotton seed and tyre and diesel blends at different loads. The results will show that maximum cylinder pressure and maximum heat release rate increased with the increase in biodiesel blends. The carbon monoxide (CO) and smoke emissions may be significantly lower when operating on biodiesel & diesel blends, Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) emissions will be found at full load. This study will reveal that the performance of the engine with these biodiesel blends differs marginally from diesel and its blends. The performance of the individual and mixture of both biofuels will be compared.
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