Influence of Soils Conditions on the Macroseismic Effects in the Dukagjin Area Based the Seismic Wave Propagation from Durres Earthquake 26/11/2019

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Shemsi Mustafa
Arbresha Mustafa


Kosovo represents a region with relatively high seismic activity, it has been hit in the past and may be hit in the future by very strong indigenous earthquakes. Geographically, Kosovo is in the contact zone of two large tectonic plates, on one side of Africa that pushes the Euro-Asian and lies at its foundation. For these reasons, the countries in theMediterranean area belong to countries with high seismic risk, including the surrounding areas. The strongest earthquake recorded and documented in Kosovo is the earthquake of 1921, in the Viti-Ferizaj-Gjilan area with a magnitude of 6.1 on the Richter scale and an intensity of 8.5 on the Mercalli scale. During the recent geological period the region has been embraced from the neotectonic processes which have conditioned the formation of many structural units that are expressed by intensive uplifting and sinking movements. Are used macroseismic data to investigate the influence of local geological structure on earthquake intensities in Dukagjin area of Kosovo. The occurrence of earthquakes is connected with the geological and neotectonics characteristics of the individual regions. The territory of Kosovo is composed of rocks of Precambrian to Quaternary age. In addition soft sediments in the Kosovo basins have a strong influence on seismic ground motion. Macroseismic data are used to investigate Response of Soil class of Dukagjini basin with deposits of Oligocene, Pliocene and Quaternary, where the lake sediments continue during its Pleistocene, (epicenter distance 140 km, Durrës Earthquake 26/11/2019), which had shown, systematic Intensity increase.


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How to Cite
Shemsi Mustafa and Arbresha Mustafa , Trans., “Influence of Soils Conditions on the Macroseismic Effects in the Dukagjin Area Based the Seismic Wave Propagation from Durres Earthquake 26/11/2019”, IJBSAC, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 9–16, Nov. 2023, doi: 10.35940/ijbsac.B0508.1010223.

How to Cite

Shemsi Mustafa and Arbresha Mustafa , Trans., “Influence of Soils Conditions on the Macroseismic Effects in the Dukagjin Area Based the Seismic Wave Propagation from Durres Earthquake 26/11/2019”, IJBSAC, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 9–16, Nov. 2023, doi: 10.35940/ijbsac.B0508.1010223.


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