Review on Rooting and Shooting Growth Performance of Populus Alba in Hydroponic Soil Cultures

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Bekele Kindie
Degu Bekele


In a greenhouse soil and hydroponic media experiment was carried out with plastic bottles to examine the effects of biochar, azolla, and moss as growth media components on root and shooting development performance in tiny cuttings of populous plants. Root installations were observed using the cutting length, cutting thickness, and cutting ages. The information showed that certain modifications and root media had a major impact on the populus establishment. The number of roots, length of roots, number of leaves, shoot height, and rooting percentage of the rooted mini-cuttings were also measured. Out of all the supplements and rooting media, moss (25 mg L-1) outperformed water in the current study in terms of rooting percent (100%), number of roots (16.33), and root formation.


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Bekele Kindie and Degu Bekele , Trans., “Review on Rooting and Shooting Growth Performance of Populus Alba in Hydroponic Soil Cultures”, IJBSAC, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 1–8, Jan. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijbsac.E0510.10050124.


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