Review of Plant Genetic Resources, Utilization and Conservation of Genetic Resources
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According to the review, genetic resources are derived from native plant landraces and wild species. Material originating from plants is referred to as genetic resources. These genetic resources are very important for nutrition and the development of agricultural productivity. Cereals, pulses, oilseeds, and cash crops are a group of field crops grown in Ethiopia. The group of forest genetic resources includes plantations, forests, scrub, natural closed forests, and trees on farms. Ethiopia has rich plant genetic resources with its diverse agro-ecological region but faces several threats. In order to conserve plant genetic resources, the Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute uses a diverse strategy that includes gene banks, on-farm conservation, education, and policy lobbying. Genetic resources preserved by ex situ and in situ conservation. This review article was intended to discuss plant genetic resources, utilization, threats, and conservation strategies.
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