The Future of Fashion Retail: Virtual Experiences and E-Commerce Integration

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Sadaf Ahmad
Yu Zhang
Iqra Yamin
Wafa Ahmad


This innovative research integrates methodologies from two distinct studies to advance our comprehension of immersive virtual experiences within the realms of fashion and e-commerce. By amalgamating insights from both methodologies, this refined approach introduces novel components, including a virtual shopping environment, post-VR shopping behavior analysis, biometric data collection, extended interviews, longitudinal study design, and control group implementation. Participants engaged in 360-degree VR fashion shows and virtual shopping experiences using the Oculus Quest 2, while their physiological responses were meticulously monitored. Following the VR encounters, participants navigated a virtual store, and their subsequent shopping behavior was methodically tracked. Extended interviews delved into enduring effects, while a longitudinal study examined the evolution of attitudes over a three-month period. The inclusion of a control group ensured the robustness of causal inferences. This sophisticated methodology promises a comprehensive exploration of the intricate interplay between immersive virtual encounters and consumer behaviors, providing nuanced insights into the evolving landscape of virtual consumption. By embracing cutting-edge elements such as biometric data and virtual shopping environments, this research aims to unravel the multifaceted effects of immersive virtual experiences, contributing to a deeper understanding of consumer interactions with virtual environments and shaping the future trajectory of fashion and e-commerce.


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How to Cite
Sadaf Ahmad, Yu Zhang, Iqra Yamin, and Wafa Ahmad , Trans., “The Future of Fashion Retail: Virtual Experiences and E-Commerce Integration”, IJAENT, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 1–8, Mar. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijaent.F8023.11030324.

How to Cite

Sadaf Ahmad, Yu Zhang, Iqra Yamin, and Wafa Ahmad , Trans., “The Future of Fashion Retail: Virtual Experiences and E-Commerce Integration”, IJAENT, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 1–8, Mar. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijaent.F8023.11030324.
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