Developing an In-Depth Framework for Enhancing Real-Time Applications Via Blockchain Technology Implementation

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Neel Shah
Abbas Rajpurwala
Zeeshan Tamboli
Pradnya Patil
Nishith Suvarna


This paper provides a comprehensive exploration of distributed networks, their architectural models, and applications across communication, computing, and data storage domains. It begins by analyzing various network types—client-server, peer-to-peer, and hybrid models—highlighting the client-server architecture's significance in distributed systems and recent advancements within its various frameworks. Real-time applications, such as e-learning chat systems and web interfaces, are examined to illustrate the impact of distributed networks on modern communication. For practical implementations, programming methods for banking web applications are detailed, utilizing technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Java, C#, and Python. The paper delves into security threats and algorithms essential for distributed systems, exploring blockchain technology, decentralized identity management systems, and web scalability. Blockchain applications, including cryptocurrencies and supply chain management, are discussed, alongside the associated benefits and challenges. Furthermore, the role of decentralized identity systems in privacy and identity verification is analyzed, as is the importance of regulatory compliance in financial systems. Technologies such as RDAP and smart contracts are highlighted for their regulatory integration potential. The paper concludes with an emphasis on automated customer support services (ACSS), advocating for customer-centric frameworks to enhance user satisfaction in distributed systems.


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Neel Shah, Abbas Rajpurwala, Zeeshan Tamboli, Pradnya Patil, and Nishith Suvarna, “Developing an In-Depth Framework for Enhancing Real-Time Applications Via Blockchain Technology Implementation”, IJSCE, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 11–19, Nov. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijsce.F3655.14051124.


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