Medibuddy- A Healthcare Chatbot using AI

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Ruchita Singhania
Sana Badagan
Deeksha Reddy
K Tarun Sai Teja
Chetan Jetty


This paper presents the development of a Flask-based web application designed to predict diseases based on user-reported symptoms and provide relevant health information. Leveraging machine learning techniques, the system utilizes a dataset of diseases and their associated symptoms to generate predictions through cosine similarity and a pre-trained Random Forest model. The application features a user-friendly interface for registration, login, and symptom reporting. Additionally, it integrates the DuckDuckGo search API to fetch detailed information about predicted diseases, enhancing the user experience with comprehensive health insights. The application also includes an interactive chatbot to guide users through the symptom input process, ensuring accurate data collection for reliable disease prediction. The system is built with Python, utilizing libraries such as pandas, numpy, and scikit-learn for data processing and model deployment, and is powered by SQLAlchemy for database management. This work aims to provide an accessible tool for preliminary health assessment, potentially aiding in early diagnosis and prompt medical


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Ruchita Singhania, Sana Badagan, Deeksha Reddy, K Tarun Sai Teja, and Chetan Jetty, “Medibuddy- A Healthcare Chatbot using AI”, IJSCE, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 14–19, Jul. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijsce.G9902.14030724.


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