A Systematic Survey on the Application of Artificial Intelligence (ai) Baseline Networks on Grid Computing Techniques - Challenges, Novelty and Prospects

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Fidelis Nfwan Gonten
Jimmy Nerat Jakawa
Datti Useni Emmanuel
Dakur Atiku Pandok
Ponfa Canfa Maikano


A smart grid is a contemporary electrical system that supports two-way communication and utilizes the concept of demand response. To increase the smart grid's dependability and enhance the consistency, efficiency, and efficiency of the electrical supply, stability prediction is required. The true test for smart grid system designers and specialists will therefore be the increase of renewable energy. To integrate the electric utility infrastructure into the advanced communication era of today, both in terms of function and architecture, this program has made great strides toward modernizing and expanding it. The study reviews how a smart grid applied different deep learning techniques and how renewable energy can be integrated into a system where grid control is essential for energy management. The article discusses the idea of a smart grid and how reliable it is when renewable energy sources are present. Globally, a change in electric energy is needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, prevent global warming, reduce pollution, and boost energy security.


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How to Cite
Fidelis Nfwan Gonten, Jimmy Nerat Jakawa, Datti Useni Emmanuel, Dakur Atiku Pandok, and Ponfa Canfa Maikano, “A Systematic Survey on the Application of Artificial Intelligence (ai) Baseline Networks on Grid Computing Techniques - Challenges, Novelty and Prospects”, IJSCE, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 27–32, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijsce.D3643.14040924.

How to Cite

Fidelis Nfwan Gonten, Jimmy Nerat Jakawa, Datti Useni Emmanuel, Dakur Atiku Pandok, and Ponfa Canfa Maikano, “A Systematic Survey on the Application of Artificial Intelligence (ai) Baseline Networks on Grid Computing Techniques - Challenges, Novelty and Prospects”, IJSCE, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 27–32, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijsce.D3643.14040924.


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