Comparative Analysis of G+15 Building with and Without Lead-Bearing Rubber Base Isolators Using Etabs

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M Ganga jamuna
Dr. P Anuradha


The main principle of this project is to protect the buildings by constructing them as earthquake-resistant structures. Base Isolation is a flexible layer between the substructure and superstructure uncoupling the structure from damaging effects from ground motion to resist the vibrations in the structure. It is important to use high technology like base Isolation which protects the structure against extreme earthquakes without sacrificing the performance of the structure. The comparative study is conducted on a G+15 story building with and without Lead Rubber bearing in which IS 875:52015, IS 1893:2016 using the response spectrum method. Considering the maximum vertical reaction obtained from the fixed base is used to design base isolators the obtained stiffness is used in modeling by replacing the fixed base joins to base isolators in the buildings. Story displacement, Story drift, story, and Overturning moment shear are compared for both cases. In this case, we are using rubber base isolators for analyzing the structure using ETABS Software.


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How to Cite
M Ganga jamuna and Dr. P Anuradha, “Comparative Analysis of G+15 Building with and Without Lead-Bearing Rubber Base Isolators Using Etabs”, IJSCE, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 10–15, Aug. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijsce.C8141.13060124.

How to Cite

M Ganga jamuna and Dr. P Anuradha, “Comparative Analysis of G+15 Building with and Without Lead-Bearing Rubber Base Isolators Using Etabs”, IJSCE, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 10–15, Aug. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijsce.C8141.13060124.


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